Fifty Shades of Grey: Adventures in Personal Styling
#ScriptForStyle : I recently had a client named Gary contact me about a closet cleanse. He felt like his closet was overwhelming and just didn't know where to start to revamp his wardrobe. This is the before picture.
In addition to the clothing, Gary's bedroom closet was also filled with linens, suitcases and even a gas mask (in case of an apocalpse...hey, you never know). He had a few closets in his downtown loft, and together we decided to put non wardrobe related items elsewhere. Then we began to work.
The first thing that is very noticeable is that Gary's closet is full of grey and blacks. Given his upbeat and colorful personality; the wardrobe didn't quite fit the man. The few items with color were not particularly flattering colors. Some faded sea-foam colored shirts were present that simply didn't suit Gary. I found out later that Gary is actually Red-green colorblind; which explained a lot! Perfect opportunity for a personal stylist to help create a vision that the client literally can't see for themselves! Another wonderful adventure in closet cleaning!
Photography by Brittany Mendoza